Heard and seen: Trio Oyftref in the Burgdorf St. Pankratius Church

Klez in the church? Choirmaster and organist Christine Marx wondered why not, and so she invited the Trio Oyftref from Hannover to perform in the Burgdorf St. Pankratius Church. Over one hour and three encores they opened up a wide variety of jiddish music before the large audience. They led us from Eastern Europe, from Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, through Turkey and Yemen, across "Thalassa", the big ocean, to USA. As musically, we heard horas, bulgars and freilakhs, a turkish folk song, a yemenitic-jewish song, pieces from America´s Klez legend Naftule Brantwein, and finally the as well known as popular "Sholem aleikhem", all put to the well known Oyftref specific arrangements.

Klez in the church? Yes, we need this coincidences of cultures, and even the name of the group - oyftref=conincidence - stands for that. The audience rewarded with enthusiastic applause.

The musicians

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