Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble

Beregovskiīs Khasene

Itīs been announced for a long time, and now at last itīs out: Joel Rubinīs recording of selected parts of the forgotten Beregovski archive of traditional ukrainian-jewish music. Moyshe Beregovski (1892-1961) directed the Musical Folklore Department of the Institute for Jewish Culture from 1928-1936 and from 1941-1949 the Musical Folklore Section of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev. The Academy hosted a unique archive of thousands of pieces, collected not only by Beregovski himself, but also by the 1911-1914 An-ski expedition. Itīs been in 1994, when this archive has finally been rediscovered.

From this archive Rubin selected the finest wedding tunes. In 1927, when Beregovski began to collect, there were no more active klezmer groups in the Ukraine, so he just was able to collect the melodies, and he couldnīt document ensemble playing. So Rubin had to re-arrange the tunes, based on his knowledge of klezmer style of that period. He is accompanied by top musicians: Italian Claudio Jacomucci, being familiar not only with Jewish music, but also with the traditional Tango tunes of Astor Piazollas, and Hungarians Kálmán Balogh, László Major, Ferenc Kovács and Csaba Novak, all experienced in traditional Roma music. And they contribute their experiences to these lovely wedding tunes, and itīs not only the musiciansī virtuosity inspiring me, but also the immense joy of playing and an intensity, leading to some truely meditative moments.

To make things complete, we find an extensive booklet, giving not only informations on historical backgrounds and the musicians of that period, but also deep insights into Ukrainian-Jewish wedding rites. We benefit by Rubin being not only an extraordinary musician, but also a just as good historian and theorist of Jewish culture.

Beregovskiīs Khasene by the Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble is a "back to the future": It marks the birth of a unique and distinctly Jewish voice within contemporary music. (Rita Ottens)

Beregovskiīs Khasene - Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble

  1. Tsu der Khupe geyn
  2. Volekhl
  3. Baveynen di Kale
  4. Makonovetskiīs Gas Nign
  5. Russian Sher
  6. Taksim
  7. Sakhnovskiīs Dobranotsh
  8. Skotshne
  9. Tish Nigunim
  10. Gershfeldīs Bulgarish
  11. Ahavo Rabo
  12. Zayt Gezunt
The musicians 23-SEP-97 dmu

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